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A look inside the 2012 Paradigm Symposium

October 16, 2012 Maureen Elsberry

The very first Paradigm Symposium took place October 18th through 21st in Minneapolis, Minnesota. We attended this event that explored topics including ancient aliens, archeology, UFOs, and science-fiction. We talk about our experience at this event, plus we discuss a recent mass UFO sighting, we talk about engineered microbes that could build structures on Mars, and other space and UFO news on this episode of Spacing Out!

Maureen Elsberry

Maureen Elsberry is an adventure seeker, outdoors junkie, UFO journalist, and space geek. She starred on the show Uncovering Aliens with appearances on Animal Planet, Science Channel, Destination America, and the American Hero’s Network. Her Weaknesses: Wine, cheese, and Harrison Ford.