On Monday, August 26, the United States Department of Defense issued a press release announcing a new director for the Pentagon’s UFO office known as the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO).
Dr. Jon T. Kosloski has taken AARO’s reigns, following the retirement of former director Sean M. Kirkpatrick back in December. According to the press release, “Dr. Kosloski brings extensive experience working in multiple scientific fields, including quantum optics and crypto-mathematics, as well as leading mission-oriented research and analysis teams.”
The DoD adds that, under Dr. Kosloski’s leadership, “AARO will continue to examine the U.S. government historical record relating to UAP, as well as efforts to declassify and release UAP-related records to the greatest extent possible.”
Read the full press release and see Dr. Kosloski’s full biography here: